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Restream is the best way to live stream to YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and 30+ streaming sites at once

Use Code: GOLIVE25 to get 25% off your Restream plan. Forever


1. Open the Live Now app
2. Enter Server URL & Server name/key
3. Tap Screen Recoder button
4. Then tap Start Broadcast. A countdown appears, indicating when broadcasting will begin
5. Once screen sharing is in progress, a thin red bar appears at the top of the screen. As long as the red bar is present, screen sharing is in progress


1. Sign up to and get free $10 credit
2. Enter Server URL & Server name/key
First, click on “Settings” in the lower right-hand corner. In the new window that opens, click “Stream” on the left side bar. Go to your Restream Dashboard and copy (Control/Command + C) your “Stream Key."

3. Connect Restream to Live Now app
Put stream url & stream key you copied from restream then put to Live Now app then press go live


1. Open YouTube channel dashboard
2. Press Go Live button
3. Input stream information -> Create Stream -> Stream settings -> Stream key

Get stream key then put to Live Now


The user that authorized the request is not enabled to stream live video on YouTube. You should enable it before go-live. Enabling your first live stream may take up to 24 hours
Enable Live Streamming at


  • Your channel got a Community Guidelines strike.
  • Your live stream or archived live stream is blocked globally.
  • Your live stream or archived live stream gets a copyright takedown.
  • Your live stream matches another copyrighted live broadcast.

If you just enabled stream live video, you should wait for 24 hours before go-live